
It takes effort and reflection over time to acquire better skills.
An athlete working with Mass will reflect on his/hers efforts and results in practice and competition. As a coach I use the trends of these easily logged reflections as assistance to keeping the athlete engaged in the process, or to alter it slightly when needed. As a natural consequence we experience faster development and better results.
Mass is a great digital assistant to any serious coach or athlete who strives for better performance.
Nicolaj Norman Hansen, Golf Coach

I am very satisfied with the collaboration with the mental training assistant, MASS. MASS has given me more direct access to look into the mental patterns of the athlete. It has allowed me to see positive mental patterns but also patterns that prevent the athlete from developing and performing at a high level.
This is an access that I have never had before as a coach. The access to the mental patterns has given me a shortcut to providing better and more constructive feedback to the athlete. Overall, Mass gives a better opportunity for the athlete to train mentally, and at the same time provides me with good insight into these exact patterns. I find that the athlete can develop more optimally through a sharper dialogue with me.
Morten Bartholin Jensen. PGA Head Professional – Lübker

MASS helps me improve my training sessions both mentally and physically. It gives me the ability to zoom in on a specific session by logging onto MASS. This provides a certain awareness of how I feel before I begin my training.
MASS also allows me to make a qualified evaluation afterward on the given session.
The graphs that MASS provides give a very structured look at when I perform well and poorly. Jointly, we can see variations during different training sessions, and the reason why these variations occur.
And I like how Morten, my Coach and I have something factual to work from when we train and talk together.
We often talk about the red and green fields, which are some of the mental training exercises within MASS. These mental training exercises have helped me accept that I sometimes have bad aims, get bad lies and that the weather is bad. Working with these mental tasks and MASS itself has moved me a lot mentally.
Noah Phan, Golf player at Stensballegård Golfklub
and a player on the Danish Golf Men’s National Team 2023

MASS helps me structure my weekly practices and secures that I always know which exercises to focus on when training.
In addition, the mental training tools also help me evaluate my performance and mental “presence” regarding problem-solving. These actions strengthen my performance when training because I learn to maintain focus and because I learn from my evaluating processes. It makes the upcoming sessions more effective.
MASS creates a good foundation concerning the dialogues between my coach and me when discussing my overall development and training.
Frederik Terp, Golf player at Lübker and a member
of the development squad on the Danish National Team

For many years I have trained mentally together with Carsten Oldengaard, my mental coach. Carsten has now developed the app MASS, which optimizes my training setup in connection with my mental training. MASS’s training setup provides structured and continuous access to my mental training, and at the same time gives me feedback so I can follow my mental development.
– I also think it is amazing, that Carsten and I can link up on the app, and that he can follow my mental training along the way. I see great potential in MASS and hope, that more football players will join MASS when pursuing their goals to become better players and athletes.
Pernille Harder, Professional football player at Chelsea
and captain of the national Danish football team

I have experienced, that MASS has a good effect regarding both training and matches. MASS helps me mentally so that my focus areas become more manageable. I have the opportunity to easily choose and set up areas, which fit the individual day and the specific training. MASS also provides me with opportunities to acquire new skills. This happens through registrations and reflections, which I type in the app after my daily training sessions, but also by the feedback that I receive from MASS.
The app, MASS, tells me about my mental patterns and when my effort and quality are good or less good. It also tells what I must do to improve my training. MASS is a very good mental training assistant. It gives me extra percentages as a football player and makes me stronger mentally.
Sofus Berger, Professional football player
at Viborg FF in the best danish League

The app MASS is a tangible and user-friendly tool, which helps me optimize my training. I can easily register my performances and reflections on my phone and with that follow my mental patterns and development.
MASS makes it simple to incorporate mental training in everyday life and for matches and training. Before a match or training, I choose the specific attention fields and process goals that I want to work with and type them in on my phone. Then, MASS will ask me which physical and mental assumptions I have concerning my upcoming performance, and after the game, I register how well I worked with the specific mental areas.
MASS gives me the opportunity to work structured and focused with my mental strength – both concerning matches and training.
Svend Rughave – Professional handball goalkeeper
at Mors-Thy Handball in the best danish League.

“MASS is a support tool I use in connection with training and matches. Here, I have simple focus areas that make it easier to sharpen my approach in connection
with training and matches. Mental training assistant MASS works from an app that is easily accessible. I can quickly register and reflect on training sessions and actual performances. MASS helps me sharpen my everyday training and situations during important matches.
Using MASS makes it easier to shut out things and thoughts which do not benefit my performance. It also helps me focus on the things that positively impact my performance. ”
Emil Bergholt – a professional handball player in the best
Danish league and captain for Skjern Handball

“We have chosen to use MASS, The Mentaltraining Assistant as the athletes receive a useful tool which in a few minutes a day can help strengthen their mental work. In the field of e-sports, everything moves quickly.
With MASS, we believe we have found a product that can provide the extra percentage we have been looking for. It gives me as a coach a strong tool to work with the athletes’ mental strength and awareness of their strengths and weaknesses”.
Coach Benjamin – Head Coach Copenhagen Flames CS:GO

“I am thrilled to use MASS, Te Mentaltraining Assistant as a performance coach, as it simplifies mental training for the athletes, coaches, and myself. MASS offers few definite and useful tools, which makes it tangible for the player to work with mental strength.
At the same time, MASS gives me abetter overview of the players’ mental patterns because the statistics give me access to perspectives of their working day and today’s training. Usually, I wouldn’t have access to data like that.
MASS also functions as a conversation tool for mental training between the players. It contributes to a culture that now focuses more on the aspect of mental training”.
Gustav Sørensen – Performance Coach Copenhagen Flames

I have used the mental training assistant, MASS, in connection with both my daily training and during badminton tournaments.
MASS gives me the opportunity to have an overview of my mental focal points areas during my training and again during tournaments. Here I can easily choose which of my areas I want to focus on.
Before each training or competition, MASS asks me to reflect on my state of readiness – both on a physical and mental level. And after the session, I will type my reflections into the app.
MASS also has a feedback function, which responds every time I make number estimates in the app. This feedback points out the patterns in my training and tournaments. The feedback also comments on, how the quality and effort is during my training based on my reflections.
MASS is always available and works as a digital assistant mental coach. MASS also creates an overview of my everyday life and helps motivate me as a badminton player.
Laura Fløj Thomsen, badminton player