Skab resultater i golf med mental træning
Golfspillerens mentale styrke betyder alt. Men hvad er mental styrke? Hvorfor er mental styrke så afgørende? Og hvordan kan man som træner og atlet arbejde med at skabe mental styrke?
Deltag i PGA-webinar den 17. april kl. 20-21.30 og find ud af hvordan du og dine atleter kan skabe resultater med mental træning:
• Flyt grænserne ved at træne atletens mentale styrke
• Få indblik i mentale mønstre og udfordringer
• Træn atleten i at overvinde pressede situationer
• Arbejd systematisk med atletens uudnyttede potentiale
• Opnå bedre præstationer og flere sejre
Mød golftræner Morten Bartholin Jensen og hør hvordan han har opnået nye resultater gennem systematisk mental træning af sine atleter.
Få viden og enkle værktøjer af mentaltræner Carsten Oldengaard. I mere end ti år har Carsten hjulpet atleter til toppræstationer med den rigtige mentaltræning. Carsten fungerer også som sparringspartner for cheftrænere og klubber.
1. Before you begin with your regular training you will initiate your mental training task together with MASS. MASS will, if you need it, help you on your way with recommendations.
2. Doing your regular training you will also be training your mental task.
3. After the training you will then make your registrations. MASS will provide feedback from your mental training.
4. Dialog – MASS will provide the athlete and coach access to the mental training data. In that way, you have the opportunity to be in close dialog with your coach about your mental training and development.
What is the combined value of the collaboration and training with MASS?
– The athlete will mentally get stronger.
– The performances of the athlete improves over time.
– The athlete’s market value increases.
– The coach and the club receive knowledge within mental tools for training and competition
– The coach and the club receive knowledge within the mental training and development of the athlete.
– The coach and the club together have the opportunity to develop the athlete mentally.
What is MASS’s training approach?
“To mentally develop is a long and tough move”
MASS’s approach to training is to provide the athlete with mental tasks. It is important to work with the tasks and to train and solve them over and over again.
Therefore, the athlete has to expect that MASS has expectations regarding the athlete’s persistence and high ability to repeat the work and training time and again.
Good mental training is known by:
– that the athlete’s mental training is easily accessible, simple and structured – yet trained over a long period of time.
– That the athlete receives feedback.
– That the athlete and coaches co-operate with MASS.
When a mental task is solved in MASS, the athlete has gone from consciously working with a mental tool to the tool has been implemented into an automatic process. This automatic process an action performed by the athlete without consciously thinking about the outcome.
MASS works with the mental tools based on the following basic model:

It takes time and often more than anticipated to get good suitable thoughts along with good mental patterns to become automatic – especially when the athlete is under a lot of pressure and wishes to perform at a high level.
The effect of each mental training task becomes apparent little by little. As a rule of thumb, the first effect will show around 6-8 weeks after the first task has been started and as a result of the recommended amount of mental training.
It is a long and tough move to become mentally stronger!