about athleticware

AthleticWare is a Company and Digital Platform, targeting the true athletes and professionals of the sporting world.

This covers mainly the elite Athletes, Trainers, Teams and Clubs, and this across several sports, as Football, Golf, Swimming, Handball, Shooters, Badminton and various other sports for both genders.

Our Digital platform will consist of specific applications, in form of wearable technologies, Apps and Cloud portals, supporting the elite and professional goals.

Our first groundbreaking application is MASS – The mental training assistant, which targets the mental training of the professional Athlete. This as a personal guidance, training and measurement tool for the Athlete. This either in a private sphere or in connected cooperation with one or more selected trainers, could be the headcoach or mental trainer. MASS is based on many years of proved and evidence-based methods, which already have led to several Medals, in the Olympics, World Championships, European Championships, National Championships, and covers in total more than 32 Gold medals in all the above-mentioned leagues.

Welcome to our world of tools for the elite, we strive to serve you, by professional means, for professionals.